Alumni without a joint programme

What is your current professional situation?
Monthly salary/income (Gross) in Euros
How is your current job related to your field of studies?
(1-Not related at all; 5-Totally related)
In your opinion, how important were the following aspects in motivating you to enroll in a mobility/student exchange programme ?
(1-Not Important; 5- Extremely Important)
Better salary prospects
Better prospects to get the job or jobs I desire
Access to more job opportunities
Increasing the opportunities for a career in country other than that of my origin
Living in a different country during my studies
Increasing the possibility to live in a different country more or less permanently
Leaving my comfort zone to improve my ability to work independently
Interacting with new cultures
Interest in studying in a specific higher education institution
Interest in studying a specific programme in an identified field
Obtaining two academic degrees by two different higher education institutions
Experiencing a different education/academic environment
Learning a different/new language
Complementing the academic curriculum
To gain deeper insight and knowledge in my study area/field
Are you aware that there are international study programmes that lead to double or joint master degrees?
Did you ever consider to enroll in a double or joint master degree study programme?
Why didn't you enroll in a double or joint master degree study programme ?
Limited offer at my former university
Competition in the access to those programmes
Strict application requirements
Lenghty stay abroad
Complicated application procedure
Lack of information
Financial issues
Risk of delaying my graduation
Logistics of staying abroad